
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Comparison of Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth and London by Wi

Comparison of Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth and capital of the United Kingdom by William Blake passim the coursework I will refer to William Wordsworth as Wordsworth and William Blake as Blake. The rimes of Wordsworth and Blake are twain some London however, Wordsworths poem was written when he came to sojourn London whereas Blake lived in London. Wordsworths poem is about the finery of London bingle can see this as he writes in cable television 1 Earth has not anything to show more fair Whereas in Blakes poem he does not write about the praise of London although he loved London we are told he sees that London has its braggy points. In Wordsworths poems there is an absence of good deal whereas in Blakes poem it talks about people a lot of the time. In Wordsworths poem he refers to London as a somebody this is a personification. We see him referring to London as a person when he says at the end of the poem although there are other references to this And in all that mighty heart is lying still In Wordsworths poem he is not saying that London is more beautiful thus other cities he says that it is as nice as other cities. When Wordsworth says wordy would he be of soul, This shows that he thinks some people are insensitive. As well when Wordsworth says This City now doth, like a garment, wear, This is a parable he talks about London as if it is a person. When Blakes writes his poem he sheds light on the problems of London although he is a major fan of London. Most of the people at this time could not read and so Blake thought that if he wrote a poem people who could read wo... ...horical the soilders are standing by the palace and sighing thinking about th rich people who dont suffer in war hence the words Runs in the blood. In line 15 the word Harlot is showing that it is pitiful. The harlot is cursing because if she becomes pregnant it is like a millstone a round her neck. In line 17 the word hearse is used as a car to take the bride to the unite hall here it would be sad because the harlot would only be getting married because she became pregnant it was not a wanted child. immediately we use a hearse a car to carry a coffin, now to hear the word hearse is sad whereas then it was a happy thought. mayhap when it says in line 16 Infants tear, It is saying that the cry is because maybe the fuck off is already married.

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