
Friday, February 8, 2019

Women in Art Essay -- Arts Females Gender Artistic Painting Essays

Women in Art Throughout history many esthetic works have been deemed great and many individuals have been labeled master of the discipline. The question of who creates art and how is it to be classified as great or greater than another has commonly been addressed by scholars and historians. The last posterior of the 20th century has reexamined these questions based on the assertions that no women artists have ever created or been appreciated to the level of greatness that perpetually befalls their male counterparts. The congeal that society has institutionalized on women as unable to be anything exactly subordinate and unexpressive is a major contributor to this claim. Giving a brief history of gender discrimination in the art field, examining polar theories in regard to why women have been excluded from art history end-to-end the ages, and finally, discussing the contributions and progress that women artists and historians have achieved in the past two decades, will help to better understand the complexity and significance of women artists. The early years of the 1990s interbreeding the 20th anniversary of the womens relocation in art. The exact date of the movement can not be ascertained due to the fact that in that respect was such an immense number of things happening for the Womens Liberation movement at that time. Nevertheless, the achievements of the 1970s womens art movement were enormous and it is one of the most influential movements of that decade. cardinal years later, the struggle for representation in the arts continues. In 1990, a U.S. study was conducted on Gender Discrimination in the Artfield. The results are as follows 50.7% of all visual artists are female and women hold 53.1% of the degrees in art,... ...Feminist Art. fire N. Abrams, Inc, 1994. Chadwick, Whitney. Women, Art, and Society (revised edition). Thames and Hudson Inc., 1996. Freud, Sigmund. Femininity. Feminist Frameworks. Ed. Jaggar and Rothenbe rd. McGraw-Hill, 1978. 91-98. Morse, Marcia. Feminist Aesthetics and the Spectrum of Gender. Philosophy East & westward 42(April 1992) 287-289. Nochlin, Linda. Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? (1971). In Women, Art, and Power, and separate Essays. Harper & Row, 1988. Portwood, Pamela. Feminist Views Schapiro helps female artists shed their cloaks of anonymity. The Arizona Daily Star. 19 Feb, 1999. Starlight 6E. Strawter, Lisa Marie. Facts About Women in the Arts Women Artists Archive Online Available. http//libweb.sonoma.edu/special/waa/, (accessed April 19, 1999).

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