
Saturday, September 7, 2019

A world Full of challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A world Full of challenges - Essay Example The individualism can be traced back to the 18th century. The ideologies of individual freedom, a chance to compete for ones material well-being and the government not interfering with individuals’ initiative. The assumption of those ideologies is that if individuals pursued their own goals it would be interfered with by the public spirit, which would hinder the common goal of shaping the social institutions. The ideal of an autonomous individual was embedded in moral ecology like family and the church (Robert, 2011). The economic initiative which is in the public sphere was hoped to grow together with public spirit. Public spirit is crucial to the institution of democracy, individualism is primarily expressed through market mentality, it has affected every part of individuals’ lives, it undermines institutions like family and community, in general, that have in the past worked for collective purpose. Lack of common concern or purpose for a common good is ill for people claiming to be democratic. To restore the institutions in a way that transform and revitalize the democracy, in a culture of individualism is not easy. The people have to shed their individualistic blinders and pay attention to things that they are dependent on and their collective responsibility for the institutions to shape their common life. Create space for collective responsibilities starting with the family, where the parent should share their responsibilities equitably, places of work where people should embrace teamwork. Religious and educational institutions bear peoples moral and hence plays a vital role in intelligent and active participation in public work (Robert, 2011). Underlying this proposal, people should participate in public projects hence broadening their perspectives and concerns. From the focus of self to viewing individuals as members of the larger community, concerned with fellow citizens,

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