
Monday, September 2, 2019

Before the law by Kafka Franz

This gatekeeper before the Law knows the intricacies of the web of paths within the gate which are essentially divine. The individual, who wishes to be admitted within the gate, is not given entry as the time is not ripe for his admittance. The man seeking entry has the patience and perseverance and asks whether he can try for entry again sometime later and being curious to know what is within the gate, peeps in.His many efforts to appease the gatekeeper fail, and till the moment of his death, the man is unable to get the entry and the gatekeeper finally closes the gate. The individual, who wishes to be admitted within the gate, is not given entry as the time is not ripe for his admittance. This gate is, however, specially erected for the man. To gain admittance, his actions and reactions need to fructify and strike the correct balance so that he is eligible to secure the entry. The domain within the gate is no ordinary one and has certain qualifying standards. .The man seeking entry has the patience and perseverance and asks whether he can try for entry again sometime later and being curious to know what is within the gate, peeps in. The man knows that to get the coveted entry within means to achieve something great. He has decided to hotly pursue the path that he has chosen for him and asks the gatekeeper again and again, at periodical intervals only to get the negative replies. The gatekeeper warns him of the tougher challenges ahead, should he succeed in securing admittance through the first gate guarded by him.His many efforts to appease the gatekeeper fail, and till the moment of his death, the man is unable to get the entry and the gatekeeper finally closes the gate. Before that the gatekeeper accepts all his offerings, but without any motivated desires, his only objective being to encourage the man in his pursuit. When all his efforts fail, the man shouts at the gatekeeper, as to why no one else ever tried to enter the gate if it is that important, to w hich the gatekeeper gives the answer that the gate is meant for the man only and none else can enter the gate.The best of the efforts may not lead one to the desired destination. This gatekeeper before the Law knows the intricacies of the web of paths within the gate that is essentially divine. The individual, who wishes to be admitted within the gate, is not given entry as the time is not ripe for his admittance. The man seeking entry has the patience and perseverance and asks whether he can try for entry again sometime later and being curious to know what is within the gate, peeps in.His many efforts to appease the gatekeeper fail, and till the moment of his death, the man is unable to get the entry and the gatekeeper finally closes the gate. ============= References Cited: Franz Kafka: Before the Law (e-text). To this gatekeeper comes a man from the country who asks to gain entry into the law. But the gatekeeper says that he†¦ records. viu. ca/~Johnstoi/Kafka/beforethelaw. h tm – 11k – Cached, Retrieved on July 16, 2008

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